"As the light of this New Year blazes
With excellent virtue and happiness
May these dependently arising appearances inseparable from emptiness,
Bring benefit and prosperity in all the worlds there are,
May the light of auspiciousness always blaze bright"
Composed་by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche at Tek Chok Ling near the great stupa in Boudhanath, Nepal, February 2010. Translated by Jim Scott.
Khenpo Rinpoche is in good health. He often enjoys sitting outside in front of the stupa of the nunnery or taking a walk on the upper floor.

Many students are coming to Tek Chok Ling to visit him and Rinpoche is giving blessings almost every day.
Every Wednesday morning a group of students who are currently taking classes at Pullahari monastery comes to the nunnery and sings vajra songs for Rinpoche.
At one of the occasions, Rinpoche composed the following:

A Song of the Equality of Appearances and Emptiness
Not to know the equality of appearance emptiness
And get attached to appearances alone is delusion
But to get attached to emptiness alone is delusion too
If you know the equality of appearance emptiness
There's no need to get caught up in or give up phenomena
These appearances and emptiness
What you must do is to rest in the spaciousness
Of the equality of appearance emptiness.
Composed by Dechen Rangdrol at Tek Chok Ling, Nepal, February, 04, 2010. Translated and arranged by Jim Scott.
Sarva Mangalam!