Khenpo Rinpoche is very healthy and is enjoying his stay at Tek Chok Ling. A few times each day Rinpoche takes a walk in the nunnery and Rinpoche also really enjoys watching the young nuns performing Tara dance.
Last month Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche visisted Khenpo Rinpoche with a group of students from Taiwan and Hongkong. (http://www.nalandabodhi.org/teachers/rinpoche-visits-his-guru-in-nepal.aspx)
Currently Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen is visiting from Boulder, USA. Lama Tenpa and some students from various countries have been visiting Khenpo Rinpoche every morning to offer him songs and dances. Khenpo Rinpoche seems to enjoy this and has asked the students again and again to sing and dance. On some days Khenpo Rinpoche has given short teachings and instructions to the students.
Lama Tenpa asked Khenpo Rinpoche if he would give a New Year message for his students for 2010. Khenpo Rinpoche gave the following message:
"In this new year of 2010 engage in unelaborated vajra songs and dances-
May the vajra songs and dances increase within non-fabrication!"
On New Year's evening, a group of Russian students from the Mind's World made an offering of performing part of Milarepa's life story. They also made a light offering and the courtyard of the monastery was lighted with 1000 butterlamps and the full moon was shining on the sky. Khenpo Rinpoche was watching from the upper floor and enjoyed the play.